![Il Cane [Caruso, aged 5]](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/544ce85ee4b060d07202dc74/1567171138671-KJ8DHEWO67MBI5NJZR6A/Post_War024.jpg)
Il Cane [Caruso, aged 5]
(en. The Dog)
Ink & needlepoint, 17 x 12.5cm, 1932.

Giuseppe Caruso, mio padre
(en. Giuseppe Caruso, my father)
Paint on wooden board, 1947.

Lo strillone del dopoguerra
(en. The Postwar Newsboy)
Ink, 31 x 23cm, 1947.

Untitled Study
Ink, 1949.

Deposito di tavole
(en. Wood Deposit)
Pencil, 34 x 46cm, 1949.

Uomo con gilet
(en. Man in a waistcoat)
Pencil, 34 x 45cm, 1949.

Ritratto di un amico al caffe'
(en. Portrait of a friend at a cafe)
Pencil, 39 x 43cm, 1948.

Bombardamenti a Palermo
(en. The Bombing of Palermo)
Ink, watercolour & tempera, 31 x 34cm,1945.
(en. Recital)
Ink and watercolour, 34 x 49cm, 1974.
From the ‘Real Casa dei Matti’ Collection.

(en. Punishment)
Ink and watercolour, 32 x 68cm, 1954.
Psica sonnambula
(en. Sleepwalking Psychic)
Pencil, 29 x 35cm, 1973.

La corsa pazza
(en. The Mad Rush)
Ink and watercolour, 51 x 69.5cm, 1970.
From the ‘Real Casa dei Matti’ Collection.

Fiorellino Gentil
(en. Delicate Flower)
Ink, c.1970’s.
From the ‘Real Casa dei Matti’ Collection.
Pazzo con la camicia di forza
(en. Madman in a Straitjacket)
Ink and watercolour, 32 x 68cm, 1954.
Formerly in the Jerome Zipkin Collection, New York.
Manifesto contro la camicia di forza
(en. Poster Against the Use of Straitjackets)
Ink, 31.5 x 49cm, 1960.
From the ‘Real Casa dei Matti’ Collection.
Il Panettiere Maccarone
(en. Maccarone, the Baker)
Ink and watercolour, 33 x 70cm, 1953.
Sciopero di fame
(en. Hunger Strike)
Ink and watercolour, c.1970’s.
From the ‘Real Casa dei Matti’ Collection.
Sta peggio di noi
(en. He’s Worse than Us)
Ink and watercolour, 59 x 49cm.
Camicia di forza e destinazione Neuro...
(en. Straitjacket and Destination Neuro…)
Ink, 33 x 24cm, 1968.
From the ‘Real Casa dei Matti’ Collection.
(en. Commotion)
Ink and watercolour, 1970’s.
From the ‘Real Casa dei Matti’ Collection.
(en. The Wig)
Pencil, 33 x 48cm, 1965.
Ospedale psichiatrico di Palermo
(en. The Psychiatric Hospital of Palermo)
Ink and watercolour, c.1970’s
From the ‘Real Casa dei Matti’ Collection.
Non Riconosce
(en. She Does Not Recognize)
Pencil, 30 x 25cm, 1973.
La Donna Cannone
(en. The Cannon Woman)
Ink and watercolour, c.1970’s.
From the ‘Real Casa dei Matti’ Collection.
Camicia di Forza
(en. Straitjacket)
Ink and watercolour, 32 x 68cm, 1954.
Il Pazzo alle Docce
(en. The Madman in the Showers)
Ink and watercolour, 32 x 68cm, 1954.
Formerly in the Andre Kalman Collection, Manchester.
Il braccio femminile
(en. The Female Arm)
Ink and watercolour, 47 x 53cm, c.1970’s.
(en. Mean)
Ink and watercolour, 35 x 50cm, 1975.
From the ‘Real Casa dei Matti’ Collection.

Laudato sii mi Signore
(en. Praise be my Lord)
Ink and watercolour, 49 x 35cm, c.1970’s
From the ‘Real Casa dei Matti’ Collection.
Ospedale dello spasimo
(en. Spasm Clinic)
Ink , 1954.
Due donne del Manicomio
(en. Two Women from the Mental Asylum)
Pencil, 49 x 43cm, 1963.
Malato di Mente
(en. Mentally Ill)
Oil on canvas, 40 x 50cm, 1967.
Carnevale in Manicomio
(en. Carnival in the Mental Asylum)
Ink and watercolour, 56.5 x 68.5cm, 1970.
From the ‘Real Casa dei Matti’ Collection.
(en. Fool)
Ink and watercolour, c.1970’s.
From the ‘Real Casa dei Matti’ Collection.
Il Complesso di Colpa
(en. The Guilt Complex)
Oil, 35 x 27cm, 1964.
La vecchia pazza
(en. The Old Madwoman)
Ink and watercolour, 32 x 68cm, 1954.
Formerly in the Beatrice Monti Collection, Milan.
Il Tavolo della direzione didattica
(en. The Didactic Management Table)
Ink and watercolour, c.1970’s.
From the ‘Real Casa dei Matti’ Collection.
(en. Exhibitionist)
Ink, 35 x 46cm, 1973.
From the ‘Real Casa dei Matti’ Collection.

Morte del Anarchico Pinelli
(en. The Death of the Anarchist, Pinelli)
Ink, 1972.

Tutte le Mafie d'Italia
(en. All the Mafia of Italy)
Ink, 76 x 60cm, 1974.
Made for the cover of L’Espresso magazine

I Grandi Elettori
(en. The Great Electors)
Ink, 1963.
From the ‘Pace in Terra’ Collection.

Disarmate la polizia
(en. Disarm the Police)
Ink, 1973.
Drawn in response to the murder of the student, Roberto Franceschi by the Police.

Brindiamo tutti alla Campagna della Fame
(en. Let’s All Toast to Campaign Against Hunger)
Ink, c.1963.
From the ‘Pace in Terra’ Collection.

Un investimento contro il Comunismo
(en. An Investment Against Communism)
Ink, 50 x 63cm, c.1961.
From the ‘Pugno di Ferro’ Collection.

A Lupara
(en. The Shotgun)
Ink, c.1962.
From the ‘Mafia’ and ‘Il Pugno di Ferro’ Collections.

Le Tigri di Carta
(en. The Paper Tigers)
Ink, 1964.
From the ‘Tigre di Carta’ Collection.

Di qua deve passare
(en. Just Go Down that Path)
Ink, c.1963.
From the ‘La Mafia’ Collection.

La Pianta di Partinico
(en. The Partinian Plant)
Ink and watercolour, 80 x 55cm, 1960.

Non far differenza tra un missile e una bicicletta
(en. No Difference Between a Missile and a Bicycle)
Ink, c.1963.
From the ‘Pace in Terra’ Collection.

(en. Nazionalism)
Ink, c.1961.
From the ‘Pugno di Ferro’ Collection.

Ponzio Pilota
(en. Pontius Pilot)
Ink, c.1962.
From the ‘Pace in Terra’ Collection.

Ammazziamo chi ci pare e piace
(en. We Kill Whoever We Please)
Ink, 1963.
From the ‘Pace in Terra’ Collection.

Delitto D'Onore
(en. Crime of Honour: Dear friend wouldn’t it be better if you could just divorce)
Ink, c.1960’s.
From ‘Vie Nuove’ magazine

(en. Patriarchy)
Ink, c.1961.
From the ‘Pugno di Ferro’ Collection.

(en. Prosperity)
Ink, c.1961.
From the ‘Pugno di Ferro’ Collection.

Ink, 1961.
From the ‘Pugno di Ferro’ Collection.

Compro Tutto
(en. I’ll Buy Everything)
Ink, 1961.
From the ‘Pugno di Ferro’ Collection.

Lo sfregio permanente, vendetta per tradimento
(en. Permanent Scarring, Revenge for Betrayal)
Ink, c.1963.
From the ‘La Mafia’ Collection.

Universita Cattolica
(en. Catholic University)
Ink, c.1963.
From the ‘Pace in Terra’ Collection.

La Passionaria
(en. Swept-up in her Passions)
Ink, c.1960’s.

Le uove al tegame
(en. Eggs in the Pan. The censor would rather castrate himself than get his hands dirty)
Ink, c.1963.

Il Pranzo della Fame
(en. Dinner Against Hunger)
Ink, 1963.
From the ‘Pace in Terra’ Collection.

Guido Carli: Perche me ne vado
(en. Guido Carli: Why I’m Leaving)
Ink and watercolour, 1975.
Cover of L’Espresso’ Magazine

La Mano dell'Uomo
(en. The Hand of Man)
Ink, c.1963.
From the ‘Pace in Terra’ Collection.

Difenderemo il Parlamento Siciliano
(en. We’ll defend the Sicilian Parliament)
Ink, 1961.
From the ‘Pugno di Ferro’ and ‘La Mafia’ Collection.

I Banchieri della Mafia
(en. The Mafia’s Bankers)
Ink and watercolour, 1975.
Front cover of L’Espresso magazine.

Lupara in faccia per sfregio
(en. Shotgun in the Face for Betrayal: Visit Sicily, the land of the Blossoming Almond Tree and Eternal Spring)
Ink, c.1961.
From the ‘Pugno di Ferro’ Collection.

Gente Allegra il Ciel L'Aiuta
(en. The Sun Shines on the Happy)
Ink, c.1961.
From the ‘Pugno di Ferro’ Collection.

Ricordo di Malcolm X
(en. A Memory of Malcolm X)
Ink, 1959.
From the ‘Americana’ Collection.

Ink, 1963.
From the ‘Pugno di Ferro’ Collection.

Il Principe del Petrolio
(en. The Prince of Petrol)
Ink, 1963.
From the ‘Pace in Terra’ Collection.

Lo zio Ho
(en. Uncle Ho)
Ink, 1969.
From the ‘Il Testamento di Ho Chi Minh’ Collection.

Pinochet de la Muerta
(en. Pinochet of Death)
Ink, 1975.

Manifesto per la liberazione di Angela Davis
(en. Manifesto for the Release of Angela Davis)
Ink, 1970.
For L’Ora newspaper.

Scimmia camuffata dai Vietcong liberata per le strade di Saigon
(en. Monkey Dressed-up by the Vietcong on the streets of Saigon)
Ink, 1966.
Illustration for ‘In the Jungle with the Vietcong’ by W. Burchett.

Tiger Gang
Ink, c.1963.
From the ‘Tigre di Carta’ Collection.

Ink, c.1961.
From the ‘Pugno di Ferro’ Collection.

New York City
Ink, c.1961.
From the ‘Pugno di Ferro’ Collection.

Ink, 1963.
From the ‘Pace in Terra’ Collection.

Algerie Francaise
(en. French Algeria)
Ink, 1962.
From the ‘Pugno di Ferro’ Collection.

Ouvriers Defendez Votre Tete
(en. Workers, Watch Your Heads)
Ink, c.1962.
From the ‘Pugno di Ferro’ Collection.

Una Fetta di Melone Vale piu della luna
(en. A Slice of Melon is Worth More than the Moon)
Ink, c.1968.
From the ‘Elogio della Follia’ Collection.

Brutalità della polizia
(en. Police Brutality. In Alabama they attack Black people with special batons with an electric tip commonly used on animals. Who will protest first, the animal rights or human rights lobbies?)
Ink, c.1963.
From the ‘Tigre di Carta’ Collection.

L'Incontro Franco-Salazar
(en. The Meeting of Franco and Salazar)
Ink, 1963.
From the ‘Pace in Terra’ Collection.

Ink, 67 x 41.5cm, 1963.
From the ‘Pugno di Ferro’ Collection.

Congo, l'ultimo feticcio
(en. Congo, the Latest Fetish)
Ink, 76 x 60cm, c.1963.
From the ‘Pugno di Ferro’ Collection.

Franco il criminale
(en. Franco the Criminal)
Ink, 1962.
From the ‘L’Astrolabio’.

Longa Manus
Ink, c.1963.
From the ‘Tigre di Carta’ Collection.

Mexico es muy bonito
(en. Mexico is Very Beautiful)
Ink, 89 x 51.5cm, 1961.
From the ‘Pugno di Ferro’ Collection.

Il Vietcong entra nell'ambasciata USA to Saigon
(en. The Vietcong ENter the US Embassy in Saigon)
Ink, 1968.
From the ‘Americana’ Collection.

Algeria, l'ultima repressione
(en. Algeria, the Latest Repression)
Ink, 1962.
From the ‘Pugno di Ferro’ Collection.

Black Power (Raph Brown)
Ink, 1968.
From the ‘Americana’ Collection.

Omaggio a Patrice Lumumba
(en. In Memory of Patrice Lumumba)
Ink, c.1962.
From the ‘Pugno di Ferro’ Collection.

This is Very Tabula Rasa
Ink, c.1961.
From the ‘Pugno di Ferro’ Collection.

Alabama, 1963
Ink, 1963.
From the ‘Pace in Terra’ Collection.

Ink, 1963.
From the ‘Pace In Terra’ Collection.

Ink, 1961.
From the ‘Pugno di Ferro’ Collection.

Processione in Spagna
(en. Procession in Spain)
Ink, 1963.
From the ‘Pugno di Ferro’ Collection.

Self Portrait
Oil on Cuban cigar box, 14.5 x 18cm, 1957.

Fiori di lavanda
(en. Lavender Flowers)
Oil on board, 55 x 55cm, c.1957.

(en. Figure)
Oil on canvas, 41.5 x 31.5cm, c.1953.

Sciarpa Rossa e Verde
(en. Red and White Scarf)
Oil on canvas, 31 x 41cm, c.1953.

Uomo sopra le tavole
(en. Man on Top of Wooden Planks)
Oil on board, 45 x 45cm, 1952.

Oil, 80 x 50cm, 1954.
Formerly in the collection of Gasparo del Corso.

Suonatori Ambulanti
(en. Wandering Musicians)
Oil, 60 x 50cm, 1953.
Formerly in the Nathan Cummings Collection, Chicago.

Il Grande Deposito
(en. The Large Wood Stack)
Oil on canvas, 120 x 90cm, 1953.
Formerly in the Harry Schacter Collection, New York.

(en. Weavers)
Oil on canvas, 120 x 50cm, 1955.
Formerly in the John C. Borden Collection, New York.

Magazzino della Fiera
(en. Fair Warehouse)
Oil, 70 x 35cm, 1955.

(en. Plumber)
Oil, 60 x 50, 1955.

Uomo Arrampicato
(en. Climbing Man)
Oil on board, 90 x 90cm, 1955.

Pescatori di Polipi
(en. Fishing Octopus)
Oil, 75 x 25cm, 1955.

(en. Bathing Establishment)
Oil, 100 x 60cm, 1955.
Formerly in the S. di Giuseppe Collection, Paris.

Uomo Appoggiato
(en. Leaning Man)
Oil, 60 x 100cm, 1955.

Guardiano delle tavole
(en. The Timber Guardian)
Oil on board, 80 x 70cm, 1954.

Il Lucernaio del Deposito
(en. The Skylight of the Warehouse)
Oil on board, 45 x 79.5cm, 1953.

Il Gelataio
(en. The Ice-Cream Seller)
Oil, 60 x 50cm, 1953.
Formerly in the Helena Rubenstein Collection. Currently in the St Louis University permanent Collection.

(en. Loading)
Oil on board, 40 x 60cm, 1954.

Uomo sulla spiaggia
(en. Man on the Beach)
Oil on board, 50 x 60cm, 1954.
Formerly in the Hugh Chisholm Collection, Big Sur, California.

(en. The News Stand)
Oil on board, 70 x 43cm, 1953.

Casa Nera
(en. The Black House)
Oil on board, 50 x 60cm, 1954.

Uomo nel magazzino
(en. Man in the Warehouse)
Oil, 90 x 30cm, 1954.

Uomo Sdraiato
(en. Man in a Deck Chair)
Oil, 70 x 40cm, 1953.

La spiaggia
(en. The Beach)
Oil on board, 46 x 46cm framed, c.1953.
Collection Walker Art Center, Minneapolis. Given in memory of their uncle, John Rogers Shuman, by Susan Rogers Okie Bush, Jesse Shuman Okie, and Martha Okie-Fouracre from their J.R.S. Collection, 2000

La soffitta dell'ospedale
(en. The Hospital Attic)
Oil, 45 x 45cm, 1955.
Formerly in the Galerie de France Collection, Paris.

(en. Wagon)
Oil on board, 59 x 18cm, 1953.

Tutti Frutti
(en. Resting)
Oil, 34 x 45cm, 1953.

Il Guardiano dello Zoo
(en. The Zoo Keeper)
Oil on board, 50 x 60cm, 1954.

(en. Resting)
Oil on canvas, 40 x 30cm, c.1953.

(en. Timber Deposit)
Ink, 1952.

Bombardamenti a Palermo
(en. The Bombing of Palermo)
Ink, watercolour & tempera, 24.5 x 18.5cm, 1945.

Natura Morte di Giornali
(en. Newspaper Still Life)
Ink, 60 x 30cm, 1953.
In the Collection of the National Gallery of Modern Art, Rome.

Il Gallerista Manuel Gasser
(en. Art Dealer Manuel Gasser)
Ink, 31.5 x 49cm, 1956.

Il giorno del bombardamento di Palermo
(en. The Day Palermo was Bombed)
Ink, 27 x 34cm, 1943.

(en. Attic)
Ink, 46.4 x 41.5cm, 1953.

Il ponte
(en. The Bridge)
Ink, 24 x 44.5cm, 1951.

(en. The Boat)
Ink, 1950.

(en. Weavers)
Ink, 1954.

(en. Weavers)
Ink and watercolour, 1953.
Formerly in the Peter Otway Smithers Collection, London.

Carro di Tavole
(en. Timber Wagon)
Ink, 1951.

Uomo Sdraiato
(en. Man Lying Down)
Ink, 1952.
Formerly in the Giorgio Soavi Collection, Milan.

Donna con bambino
(en. Woman with Baby)
Ink, 45 x 20.5cm, 1950.

Cimitero ebraico
(en. Jewish Cemetery)
Ink, 1947-1952.

Deposito di Panchine
(en. Bench Deposit)
Ink and watercolour, 1954.
Formerly in the Henry R. Clarke Collection, Paris.

Tavole e giornali
(en. Planks and Newspapers)
Ink, 1953.

Il Giornalaio
(en. The News Agent)
Ink, 20 x 31cm, 1951.

La Serra
(en. The Greenhouse)
Ink, 60 x 28cm, c.1951.

I ragazzi del deposito
(en. Warehouse Kids)
Ink, 1955.

(en. Stage)
Ink and watercolour, 1953.

(en. Creels)
Ink, 1953.
Formerly in the Collection of the Galleria dell’Obelisco.

Ink, c.1951-53.

(en. Acrobats)
Ink, 1951.
Formerly in the Collection of Count Emanuele Borromeo, Rome.

Il Cantiere
(en. The Construction Site)
Ink, 28.5 x 43cm,1951.

La scuola
(en. The School)
Ink, 38 x 60cm, 1953.

(en. Banyan Tree)
Ink, 74.9 x 59.7cm framed, c.1951-53.
Currently in the Detroit Institute of Arts Collection. View here.

(en. Benches)
Ink, 1953.
Currently in the Collection of the Galleria Nazionale d’Arte Moderna e Contemporanea, Rome.

(en. Weavers)
Ink, 58 x 60cm, 1953.

(en. Saltzburg)
Ink and watercolour, 1954.

(en. Suburbs)
Ink, 1953.

Bagno di Petrolio
(en. Petrol Bath)
Ink and watercolour, 1958.
From Esso Rivista Magazine, July 1958.

Ink and watercolour, 55 x 85cm, 1962.

La Gabbia delle Aquile a Villa Giulia
(en. The Eagle Cage in Villa Giulia)
Ink, watercolour & tempera, 70 x 40cm, 1963.

Subway da Harlem
(en. Train from Harlem)
Ink and watercolour, 76.5 x 50cm, 1962.

Le Serre
(en. The Conservatories)
Ink and watercolour, 48 x 40cm, 1963.

Lo Zoo
(en. The Zoo)
Ink, c.1962.

Dalla Calligrafia alla Memoria
(en. From Calligraphy to Memory)
Ink, c.1960.
From Dalla Calligrafia alla Memoria for Olivetti.

Dalla Calligrafia alla Memoria
(en. From Calligraphy to Memory)
Ink, c.1960.
From Dalla Calligrafia alla Memoria for Olivetti.

Lo Zoo
(en. The Zoo)
Ink, c.1962.

Arrivata all'alba
(en. Out till Dawn)
Ink and watercolour, 74 x 53cm, 1962.

Dalla Calligrafia alla Memoria
(en. From Calligraphy to Memory)
Ink, c.1960.
From Dalla Calligrafia alla Memoria for Olivetti.

Dalla Calligrafia alla Memoria
(en. From Calligraphy to Memory)
Ink and watercolour, c.1960.
From Dalla Calligrafia alla Memoria for Olivetti.

Il momento della soffiata
(en. The Moment of the Tip-off)
Ink, c.1961.
Illustration for Italsider Magazine, 1961.

Dalla Calligrafia alla Memoria
(en. From Calligraphy to Memory)
Ink, c.1960.
From Dalla Calligrafia alla Memoria for Olivetti.

Dalla Calligrafia alla Memoria
(en. From Calligraphy to Memory)
Ink, c.1960.
From Dalla Calligrafia alla Memoria for Olivetti.

Dalla Calligrafia alla Memoria
(en. From Calligraphy to Memory)
Ink, c.1960.
From Dalla Calligrafia alla Memoria for Olivetti.

Il vero acciaio di Napoli
(en. Naples Real Steel)
Ink, c.1961.
Illustration for Italsider Magazine, 1961.

(en. Banyan Tree)
Ink, c.1961.

Dalla Calligrafia alla Memoria
(en. From Calligraphy to Memory)
Ink, c.1960.
From Dalla Calligrafia alla Memoria for Olivetti.

Stop 100
Ink, c.1960.
Illustration from Figlia Cane by Giorgio Soavi.

Orto Botanico
(en. Botanical Gardens)
Ink, c.1963.

Dalla Calligrafia alla Memoria
(en. From Calligraphy to Memory)
Ink, c.1960.
From Dalla Calligrafia alla Memoria for Olivetti.

Sulphur Production
Ink, c.1960.
Illustration for Fortune Magazine, June 1960.

Dalla Calligrafia alla Memoria
(en. From Calligraphy to Memory)
Ink, c.1960.
From Dalla Calligrafia alla Memoria for Olivetti.

L'acciaio di Napoli
(en. Naples Steel)
Ink, c.1961.
Illustration for Italsider Magazine, 1961.

La Benzina
(en. Petrol)
Ink and watercolour, 1957.
From Esso Rivista Magazine, May 1959.

Se Suplica de Non Fumar
(en. Please, no Smoking)
Ink, c.1960.
Illustration for Fortune Magazine, June 1960.

Blocks of Sulphur
Ink, c.1960.
Illustration for Fortune Magazine, June 1960.

Ink, c.1960.
Illustration from Figlia Cane by Giorgio Soavi.

Dalla Calligrafia alla Memoria
(en. From Calligraphy to Memory)
Ink, c.1960.
From Dalla Calligrafia alla Memoria for Olivetti.

Piccola natura morte sotto il Ficus
(en. Little Still-Life Under the Ficus Tree)
Oil on canvas, 40 x 30cm, 1971.

Ink and tempera, 52 x 64.5cm, 1974.

I voli della Fantasia
(en. Flights of Fantasy)
Ink, 48.5 x 40.5cm, 1971.
From ‘Repertorio Animalsco’ Collection.

L'ultimo carnavale
(en. The Last Carnival)
Ink, watercolour and tempera, 70 x 50cm, 1969.

Aborigeno Australiano
(en. Australian Aborigine)
Ink and watercolour, c.1969.
From ‘Elogio della Follia’ Collection.

Cloaca Maxima
(en. The Biggest Sewer)
Ink and watercolour, 48 x 40.5cm, 1972.
From ‘Repertorio Animalsco’ Collection.

No ha parlato
(en. He Did Not Speak)
Ink, 1968.
From ‘Elogio della Follia’ Collection.

(en. Psychotherapy)
Ink and watercolour, 50 x 70cm, 1969.
From ‘Elogio della Follia’ Collection.

Il Grande Ficus
(en. The Great Ficus)
Ink and tempera, 155 x 155cm, 1966.

(en. Destruction)
Ink and watercolour, 70 x 50cm, 1969.
From ‘Elogio della Follia’ Collection.

Smart Street
Ink and watercolour, 1969.
From ‘Elogio della Follia’ Collection.

Bowery Street
Ink, 60 x 40cm, 1969.
From ‘Elogio della Follia’ Collection.

Diodon Histrix
Ink, c.1968.
From ‘Meraviglie della Natura’ Collection.

La pantera negra attacca la tigre di carta
(en. The Black Panther Attacks the Paper Tiger)
Ink, 1969.
From ‘Elogio della Follia’ Collection.

Il Grande Ficus
(en. The Large Ficus)
Oil on canvas, 150 x 100cm, 1973.

Champignon de Mer
(en. Sea Mushroom)
Ink, c.1968.
From ‘Meraviglie della Natura’ Collection.

(en. Jungle)
Ink, c.1968.
From ‘Meraviglie della Natura’ Collection.

Ecologia sotterranea
(en. Subterranean Ecology)
Ink and watercolour, 48.5 x 40.5cm, 1972.
From ‘Repertorio Animalsco’ Collection.

La Stanza Abbandonata
(en. The Abandoned Room)
Oil on canvas, 140 x 100cm, 1972.

Jena Ridens
(en. Laughing Hyena)
Ink, c.1968.
From ‘Meraviglie della Natura’ Collection.

L'angelo custode
(en. The Guardian Angel)
Ink and watercolour, 50 x 35cm, 1969.
From ‘Elogio della Follia’ Collection.

la Mosca
(en. The Fly)
Ink, c.1968.
From ‘Meraviglie della Natura’ Collection.

Offerta di una conchiglia
(en. Offer of a Sea Shell)
Tempera, 60 x 46cm, 1969.

La Piovra (Il Capitale)
(en. The Octopus [The Capital])
Ink and watercolour, 43 x 40cm, 1971.
From ‘Repertorio Animalsco’ Collection.

Oggetti Specchiati
(en. Reflected Objects)
Oil on Canvas, 35 x 50cm, 1970.

Il sogno di Jorge Luis Borges
(en. Jorge Luis Borges’ Dream)
Ink and watercolour, 49.5 x 40.5cm, 1971.
From ‘Repertorio Animalsco’ Collection.

London Zoo
Ink, c.1968.
From ‘Meraviglie della Natura’ Collection.

Carta pesta (L'imperialismo e una Tigre di Carta)
(en. Papier Mache [Imperialism is a Paper Tiger])
Ink and watercolour, 48 x 40cm, 1971.
From ‘Repertorio Animalsco’ Collection.

Bombardamento di Hanoi
(en. The Bombing of Hanoi)
Ink, 1969.
From ‘Elogio della Follia’ Collection.

(en. Madness)
Ink, c.1968.
From ‘Meraviglie della Natura’ Collection.

Anamorfosi di Oldenburg
(en. Anamorphoses of Oldenburg)
Ink, 36 x 50cm, 1975.
From the ‘Mitologia dell’Arte Moderna’ Collection.

Copertina della Mitologia dell'Arte Moderna
(en. The Front Cover of the Mythology of Modern Art)
Ink and watercolour, 1975.
From the ‘Mitologia dell’Arte Moderna’ Collection.

L'Arte Degenerata (Enartete Kunst)
(en. Degenerative Art)
Ink, 34 x 48.5cm, 1975.
From the ‘Mitologia dell’Arte Moderna’ Collection.

Biennali, triennali, quadriennali, come s'invecchio
(en. Biennales, Triennials, Quadrennials. How One Ages!)
Ink, 36 x 50cm, 1975.
A homage to an unknown painter who participates in every official exhibition. From the ‘Mitologia dell’Arte Moderna’ Collection.

Il culto della personalita
(en. The Cult of Personality)
Ink, 33.5 x 24.5cm, 1975.
From the ‘Mitologia dell’Arte Moderna’ Collection.

Lo specchio deformante di Fracis Bacon
(en. The Distorting Mirror of Francis Bacon)
Ink and tempera, 52.5 x 70.5cm, 1975.
From the ‘Mitologia dell’Arte Moderna’ Collection.

Alla salute di Meret Oppenheim
(en. A Toast to Meret Oppenheim)
Ink, 22.5 x 30cm, 1975.
From the ‘Mitologia dell’Arte Moderna’ Collection.

Il monumentale Henry Moore
(en. The Monumental Henry Moore)
Ink, 38 x 42.5cm, 1975.
From the ‘Mitologia dell’Arte Moderna’ Collection.

Formalismo di un informale
(en. Formalism of an Informal Man)
Ink, 36 x 50.5cm, 1975.
An informal drawing born as ‘Art Brut’ becomes increasingly more elegant. From the ‘Mitologia dell’Arte Moderna’ Collection.

La mano dell'artista
(en. The Hand of the Artist)
Ink, 34 x 49cm, 1975.
From the ‘Mitologia dell’Arte Moderna’ Collection.

La Germania di Otto Dix
(en. Otto Dix’s Germany)
Ink and tempera, 52.5 x 70cm, 1975.
From the ‘Mitologia dell’Arte Moderna’ Collection.

Marcel Duchamp L.H.O.O.Q
Pencil, 43 x 33cm, 1977.
From the ‘Mitologia dell’Arte Moderna’ Collection.

Ink, 34 x 49cm, 1975.
From the ‘Mitologia dell’Arte Moderna’ Collection.

Profilo di Mondrian "Bianco e nemico dell'ombra" (Rubens)
(en. Mondrian, “White is the Enemy of Shade” [Rubens])
Ink and tempera, 31.5 x 39cm, 1975.
From the ‘Mitologia dell’Arte Moderna’ Collection.

Il taglio dell'orecchio
(en. Cutting the Ear)
Ink, 34 x 49cm, 1975.
From the ‘Mitologia dell’Arte Moderna’ Collection.

La Vecchiaia di Renoir
(en. Renoir’s Old Age)
Ink, 38 x 50cm, 1975.
From the ‘Mitologia dell’Arte Moderna’ Collection.

Kandinsky inizia il primo quadro astratto
(en. Kandinsky Begins the First Abstract Painting)
Ink, 32.5 x 41cm, 1975.
From the ‘Mitologia dell’Arte Moderna’ Collection.

San Giorgio Morandi o San Giorgio de Chirico?
(en. Saint Morandi or Saint de Chirico?)
Ink, 38 x 51cm, 1975.
“The race of gladiators is not dead; every artist is one” - Flaubert. From the ‘Mitologia dell’Arte Moderna’ Collection.

Autoritratto di un grande artista iperealista
(en. Self Portrait of a Master Hyperrealist Artist)
Ink, 38 x 56.5cm, 1975.
The projector, in place of the drawing, is becoming ever more present in figurative art. From the ‘Mitologia dell’Arte Moderna’ Collection.

Discorso sull'infomale
(en. Debate on Informalism)
Ink, 34 x 49cm, 1975.
The is always a critic who wants to debate Informalism. From the ‘Mitologia dell’Arte Moderna’ Collection.

La Grandezza di Matisse
(en. The Greatness of Matisse)
Ink, 54 x 57cm, 1975.
From the ‘Mitologia dell’Arte Moderna’ Collection.

Il peso di Fernand Leger
(en. The Weight of Fernad Leger
Pencil, 50 x 76cm, 1975.
From the ‘Mitologia dell’Arte Moderna’ Collection.

La famiglia Seurat e il piccolo Georges
(en. The Seurat Family and Little Georges)
Ink and tempera, 53 x 70cm, 1975.
From the ‘Mitologia dell’Arte Moderna’ Collection.

Giorgio Morandi Sopravvive
(en. Giorgio Morandi Survives)
Ink, 44 x 58cm, 1975.
From the ‘Mitologia dell’Arte Moderna’ Collection.

En Plein Aire; in ricordo di Nadar
(en. In Full Flight; a Memory of Nadar)
Ink, 34 x 48.5cm, 1975.
From the ‘Mitologia dell’Arte Moderna’ Collection.

Zdanov tira il collo a Chagall
(en. Zdanov Wrings Chagall’s Neck)
Ink, 38 x 51cm, 1975.
From the ‘Mitologia dell’Arte Moderna’ Collection.

Voila un dessin de Matisse!
(en. Here You Go, a Drawing by Matisse!)
Ink, 48 x 33cm, 1975.
From Picasso’s joke when he found a hair in his soup. From the ‘Mitologia dell’Arte Moderna’ Collection.

La danza macabra di Francis Bacon
(en. Fracis Bacon’s Macabre Dance)
Ink, 33.5 x 49.5cm, 1975.
From the ‘Mitologia dell’Arte Moderna’ Collection.

La modella di Mucha invecchia
(en. Mucha’s Model Ages)
Ink, 38 x 56cm, 1975.
A drawing of the model that Art Nouveau cartoonist Alphonse Mucha drew for Job cigarettes. From the ‘Mitologia dell’Arte Moderna’ Collection.

(en. Avantgarde)
Ink, 42 x 56.5cm, 1975.
From the ‘Mitologia dell’Arte Moderna’ Collection.
![Il Cane [Caruso, aged 5]](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/544ce85ee4b060d07202dc74/1567171138671-KJ8DHEWO67MBI5NJZR6A/Post_War024.jpg)