Ricordo di Malcolm X
(en. A Memory of Malcolm X)
Ink, 1959.
From the ‘Americana’ Collection.

Ink, 1963.
From the ‘Pugno di Ferro’ Collection.

Il Principe del Petrolio
(en. The Prince of Petrol)
Ink, 1963.
From the ‘Pace in Terra’ Collection.

Lo zio Ho
(en. Uncle Ho)
Ink, 1969.
From the ‘Il Testamento di Ho Chi Minh’ Collection.

Pinochet de la Muerta
(en. Pinochet of Death)
Ink, 1975.

Manifesto per la liberazione di Angela Davis
(en. Manifesto for the Release of Angela Davis)
Ink, 1970.
For L’Ora newspaper.

Scimmia camuffata dai Vietcong liberata per le strade di Saigon
(en. Monkey Dressed-up by the Vietcong on the streets of Saigon)
Ink, 1966.
Illustration for ‘In the Jungle with the Vietcong’ by W. Burchett.

Tiger Gang
Ink, c.1963.
From the ‘Tigre di Carta’ Collection.

Ink, c.1961.
From the ‘Pugno di Ferro’ Collection.

New York City
Ink, c.1961.
From the ‘Pugno di Ferro’ Collection.

Ink, 1963.
From the ‘Pace in Terra’ Collection.

Algerie Francaise
(en. French Algeria)
Ink, 1962.
From the ‘Pugno di Ferro’ Collection.

Ouvriers Defendez Votre Tete
(en. Workers, Watch Your Heads)
Ink, c.1962.
From the ‘Pugno di Ferro’ Collection.

Una Fetta di Melone Vale piu della luna
(en. A Slice of Melon is Worth More than the Moon)
Ink, c.1968.
From the ‘Elogio della Follia’ Collection.

Brutalità della polizia
(en. Police Brutality. In Alabama they attack Black people with special batons with an electric tip commonly used on animals. Who will protest first, the animal rights or human rights lobbies?)
Ink, c.1963.
From the ‘Tigre di Carta’ Collection.

L'Incontro Franco-Salazar
(en. The Meeting of Franco and Salazar)
Ink, 1963.
From the ‘Pace in Terra’ Collection.

Ink, 67 x 41.5cm, 1963.
From the ‘Pugno di Ferro’ Collection.

Congo, l'ultimo feticcio
(en. Congo, the Latest Fetish)
Ink, 76 x 60cm, c.1963.
From the ‘Pugno di Ferro’ Collection.

Franco il criminale
(en. Franco the Criminal)
Ink, 1962.
From the ‘L’Astrolabio’.

Longa Manus
Ink, c.1963.
From the ‘Tigre di Carta’ Collection.

Mexico es muy bonito
(en. Mexico is Very Beautiful)
Ink, 89 x 51.5cm, 1961.
From the ‘Pugno di Ferro’ Collection.

Il Vietcong entra nell'ambasciata USA to Saigon
(en. The Vietcong ENter the US Embassy in Saigon)
Ink, 1968.
From the ‘Americana’ Collection.

Algeria, l'ultima repressione
(en. Algeria, the Latest Repression)
Ink, 1962.
From the ‘Pugno di Ferro’ Collection.

Black Power (Raph Brown)
Ink, 1968.
From the ‘Americana’ Collection.

Omaggio a Patrice Lumumba
(en. In Memory of Patrice Lumumba)
Ink, c.1962.
From the ‘Pugno di Ferro’ Collection.

This is Very Tabula Rasa
Ink, c.1961.
From the ‘Pugno di Ferro’ Collection.

Alabama, 1963
Ink, 1963.
From the ‘Pace in Terra’ Collection.

Ink, 1963.
From the ‘Pace In Terra’ Collection.

Ink, 1961.
From the ‘Pugno di Ferro’ Collection.

Processione in Spagna
(en. Procession in Spain)
Ink, 1963.
From the ‘Pugno di Ferro’ Collection.