Anamorfosi di Oldenburg
(en. Anamorphoses of Oldenburg)
Ink, 36 x 50cm, 1975.
From the ‘Mitologia dell’Arte Moderna’ Collection.

Copertina della Mitologia dell'Arte Moderna
(en. The Front Cover of the Mythology of Modern Art)
Ink and watercolour, 1975.
From the ‘Mitologia dell’Arte Moderna’ Collection.

L'Arte Degenerata (Enartete Kunst)
(en. Degenerative Art)
Ink, 34 x 48.5cm, 1975.
From the ‘Mitologia dell’Arte Moderna’ Collection.

Biennali, triennali, quadriennali, come s'invecchio
(en. Biennales, Triennials, Quadrennials. How One Ages!)
Ink, 36 x 50cm, 1975.
A homage to an unknown painter who participates in every official exhibition. From the ‘Mitologia dell’Arte Moderna’ Collection.

Il culto della personalita
(en. The Cult of Personality)
Ink, 33.5 x 24.5cm, 1975.
From the ‘Mitologia dell’Arte Moderna’ Collection.

Lo specchio deformante di Fracis Bacon
(en. The Distorting Mirror of Francis Bacon)
Ink and tempera, 52.5 x 70.5cm, 1975.
From the ‘Mitologia dell’Arte Moderna’ Collection.

Alla salute di Meret Oppenheim
(en. A Toast to Meret Oppenheim)
Ink, 22.5 x 30cm, 1975.
From the ‘Mitologia dell’Arte Moderna’ Collection.

Il monumentale Henry Moore
(en. The Monumental Henry Moore)
Ink, 38 x 42.5cm, 1975.
From the ‘Mitologia dell’Arte Moderna’ Collection.

Formalismo di un informale
(en. Formalism of an Informal Man)
Ink, 36 x 50.5cm, 1975.
An informal drawing born as ‘Art Brut’ becomes increasingly more elegant. From the ‘Mitologia dell’Arte Moderna’ Collection.

La mano dell'artista
(en. The Hand of the Artist)
Ink, 34 x 49cm, 1975.
From the ‘Mitologia dell’Arte Moderna’ Collection.

La Germania di Otto Dix
(en. Otto Dix’s Germany)
Ink and tempera, 52.5 x 70cm, 1975.
From the ‘Mitologia dell’Arte Moderna’ Collection.

Marcel Duchamp L.H.O.O.Q
Pencil, 43 x 33cm, 1977.
From the ‘Mitologia dell’Arte Moderna’ Collection.

Ink, 34 x 49cm, 1975.
From the ‘Mitologia dell’Arte Moderna’ Collection.

Profilo di Mondrian "Bianco e nemico dell'ombra" (Rubens)
(en. Mondrian, “White is the Enemy of Shade” [Rubens])
Ink and tempera, 31.5 x 39cm, 1975.
From the ‘Mitologia dell’Arte Moderna’ Collection.

Il taglio dell'orecchio
(en. Cutting the Ear)
Ink, 34 x 49cm, 1975.
From the ‘Mitologia dell’Arte Moderna’ Collection.

La Vecchiaia di Renoir
(en. Renoir’s Old Age)
Ink, 38 x 50cm, 1975.
From the ‘Mitologia dell’Arte Moderna’ Collection.

Kandinsky inizia il primo quadro astratto
(en. Kandinsky Begins the First Abstract Painting)
Ink, 32.5 x 41cm, 1975.
From the ‘Mitologia dell’Arte Moderna’ Collection.

San Giorgio Morandi o San Giorgio de Chirico?
(en. Saint Morandi or Saint de Chirico?)
Ink, 38 x 51cm, 1975.
“The race of gladiators is not dead; every artist is one” - Flaubert. From the ‘Mitologia dell’Arte Moderna’ Collection.

Autoritratto di un grande artista iperealista
(en. Self Portrait of a Master Hyperrealist Artist)
Ink, 38 x 56.5cm, 1975.
The projector, in place of the drawing, is becoming ever more present in figurative art. From the ‘Mitologia dell’Arte Moderna’ Collection.

Discorso sull'infomale
(en. Debate on Informalism)
Ink, 34 x 49cm, 1975.
The is always a critic who wants to debate Informalism. From the ‘Mitologia dell’Arte Moderna’ Collection.

La Grandezza di Matisse
(en. The Greatness of Matisse)
Ink, 54 x 57cm, 1975.
From the ‘Mitologia dell’Arte Moderna’ Collection.

Il peso di Fernand Leger
(en. The Weight of Fernad Leger
Pencil, 50 x 76cm, 1975.
From the ‘Mitologia dell’Arte Moderna’ Collection.

La famiglia Seurat e il piccolo Georges
(en. The Seurat Family and Little Georges)
Ink and tempera, 53 x 70cm, 1975.
From the ‘Mitologia dell’Arte Moderna’ Collection.

Giorgio Morandi Sopravvive
(en. Giorgio Morandi Survives)
Ink, 44 x 58cm, 1975.
From the ‘Mitologia dell’Arte Moderna’ Collection.

En Plein Aire; in ricordo di Nadar
(en. In Full Flight; a Memory of Nadar)
Ink, 34 x 48.5cm, 1975.
From the ‘Mitologia dell’Arte Moderna’ Collection.

Zdanov tira il collo a Chagall
(en. Zdanov Wrings Chagall’s Neck)
Ink, 38 x 51cm, 1975.
From the ‘Mitologia dell’Arte Moderna’ Collection.

Voila un dessin de Matisse!
(en. Here You Go, a Drawing by Matisse!)
Ink, 48 x 33cm, 1975.
From Picasso’s joke when he found a hair in his soup. From the ‘Mitologia dell’Arte Moderna’ Collection.

La danza macabra di Francis Bacon
(en. Fracis Bacon’s Macabre Dance)
Ink, 33.5 x 49.5cm, 1975.
From the ‘Mitologia dell’Arte Moderna’ Collection.

La modella di Mucha invecchia
(en. Mucha’s Model Ages)
Ink, 38 x 56cm, 1975.
A drawing of the model that Art Nouveau cartoonist Alphonse Mucha drew for Job cigarettes. From the ‘Mitologia dell’Arte Moderna’ Collection.

(en. Avantgarde)
Ink, 42 x 56.5cm, 1975.
From the ‘Mitologia dell’Arte Moderna’ Collection.